City Celebrates Roman Roots With Historical Carnival


The 8th Savaria Historical Carnival, a celebration of the Hungarian city of Szombathely's Roman roots, will open this year on August 23. The festival will start with a coming-of-age ceremony for local residents born during the festival since it was established in 2000. Photo: László Czika (MTI)

The programme will start Thursday evening with a Roman coming-of-age ceremony - complete with togas - for local residents born during the Savaria Historical Carnival since it was established in 2000.

On Friday afternoon, the Old City Market will open on Szombathely's main square. More than a hundred craftsmen will show their wares at the market.
Bacchus will offer visitors wine and mead again in the "Street of Wines", and the mysteries of the East, including music and dancers from Turkey, India and the Arab countries, will be on display in the Eastern Courtyard. In the "Street of Artists", graphic, ceramic and jewellery artists will show their work. For the event's youngest visitors, the Adventure Castle in Gayer Park will offer much.

The National Meeting of the Preservers of Ancient Soldiering Traditions will meet for the third time at the Savaria Historical Carnival. They will hold demonstrations of ancient warfare in the Franciscan Garden. Visitors can also see and try out replicas of ancient machines and weapons of war at the Historical Theme Park in the Franciscan Garden.

The carnival's most spectacular event, a parade of more than a thousand torch-bearing historical actors in period costumes, will take place at 20:00 on Saturday. The parade will be repeated on Sunday afternoon at 15:00.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)