City of Eger Restores Home of Most Famous Son


Eger was immortalized for Hungarian and foreign readers alike in ?The Stars of Eger?, Gárdonyi?s novel about the Turkish siege of the city?s castle. Even today, Gárdonyi continues to be the city?s best marketing tool, Eger Imre Nagy said on Monday, inaugurating the writer?s refurbished home.

The refurbishment, which saw the house repainted, inside and out, and Gárdonyi?s 4,000-volume library cleaned, was the fourth such one since 1952, evidence of the care the city has taken to preserve this unique part of its heritage. The Gárdonyi House attracts some 25,000 visitors per year.

Eger?s Dobó István Castle, the setting for Gárdonyi?s famous novel, has also undergone improvements. On Monday the city inaugurated improvements at the castle?s museum to better accommodate disabled visitors.