Close Race, Many Competitors for Biennale Curator


"An Experiment in Navigation" by Balázs Kicsiny was a tremendous success at the 51st Vienna Biennale in 2005

"Interest in the call for applications has exceeded all expectations," said Műcsarnok director Zsolt Petrányi, who is the Hungarian commissioner for the Biennale. The jury faces a "very exciting debate," he added, as all of the applicants have outstanding credentials.

Petrányi declined to reveal any of the applicants' names, but said the jury would make its decision on Monday.
Along with their CVs, applicants for the position must submit their concept for the pavilion, a budget (not to exceed HUF 30 million), a schedule and, of course, an artist or artists whose works will be shown.
At the 51st Vienna Biennale, the curator for the Hungarian Pavilion was Péter Fritz. The installation was "An Experiment in Navigation" by Balázs Kicsiny.
The 52nd Vienna Biennale is slated to take place between June 10 and November 21, 2007.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)