Cluj Guest of Honour at Budapest Spring Festival


The choice is a fitting one for Hungary's 2008 Renaissance Year, which marks the 550th anniversary of the coronation of King Matthias Corvinus, Hungary's "Renaissance king", as Cluj-Napoca - called Kolozsvár in Hungarian - is the birthplace of King Matthias.
This year's Budapest Spring Festival will feature almost 200 events at 60 venues over 16 days. The performances will feature symphony and chamber music concerts, operas, dance productions, films and exhibitions. In addition to the festival's programme, the Budapest Fringe Festival, which will take place at the same time, features 545 productions. Festival director Zsófia Zimányi notes that performers on this year's Fringe Festival programme include some who made their break at the festival in previous years.
From Cluj will come a performance of Puccini's comic opera Gianni Schicci by the State Hungarian Theatre of Kolozsvár. The opera singer Árpád Sándor will sing the title role opposite the actress, Emőke Kató, who has studied voice for just one year, but who still promises an extraordinary production.
Also on the programme is the organist Erich Türk, the son of a Transylvanian composer, who will play works by Bach and Mozart.
The graphic artist Elemér Könczey will bring some fifty caricatures to the festival, ones which have already split the sides of the residents of Cluj and, hopefully, will do the same for festival-goers.
For more information on the Budapest Spring Festival visit
Author: Lilla Proics