Commemorative Coin, Stamp Issued for Kodály Anniversary


The coin and the stamp were presented at a ceremony in the Zoltán Kodály Music Teachers' School in Kecskemét on Monday.


The coin, designed by the sculptor Gábor Gáti, features Kodály's portrait on one side and an image of a phonograph and sheets of music on the reverse side.  The National Bank of Hungary is issuing 10,000 of the HUF 5,000 coins, including 6,000 which are proof.

The stamp, designed by the graphic artist László Dudás, shows Kodály working with his gramophone, which he used to record folk music. Magyar Posta is issuing 400,000 of the HUF 200 face value stamps. First-day covers are available as well.
Also to mark the 125th anniversary Kodály's birth, the Vörösmarty Színház will perform the composer's musical play Székelyfonó in the main square of Székesfehérvár on August 2. The production will be directed by Tamás Réczei and Liszt Award-winner Béla Drahos will conduct. The Alba Regia Symphony Orchestra, the Duna Art Group Dance Ensemble and the Alba Regia Mixed Chorus will contribute at the concert. Judit Tóth, Géza Gábor, György Derzsi, Viktória Denk, Erzsébet Erdélyi and Péter Gergely will sing the main roles.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)