Committee To Evaluate Hungary?s Agreement With Holy See


The committee is expected to submit a draft report by September 30, Hiller said. He added that the government considers the agreement to be valid.

Tamás Pál, director of the Sociology Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Science (MTA), will chair the committee. Committee members will include Özséb Horányi, a professor at the Budapest Engineering University and Pécs University, Gábor Koncz, director of the Hungarian Culture Foundation, Tamás Kozma, a professor at the Debrecen University, Vanda Lamm, director of MTA?s Law Institute, András Máté Tóth, head of department at Szeged University, and János Wildmann, who lectures at Pécs University.

Hiller said the government seeks a ?balanced and predictable relationship? with churches, adding that further negotiations would take place in the coming weeks. He said he would coordinate the talks, at which officials from the Ministry of Social and Labour Affairs, the Finance Ministry and the Justice Ministry will participate. The talks will last until September 15.

At the meeting on Wednesday, the prime minister told church leaders he would send them those parts of next year?s budget pertaining to church funding in early October for their assessment. Hiller noted that the bill would have to be submitted to Parliament by the end of October, because 2006 is an election year.

Gyurcsány suggested a meeting between government and church leaders take place twice a year.