Compact Disco Picked for Eurovision Contest


Compact Disco?s ?Sound of Our Hearts?, the work of Gábor Pál, Attila Sándor, Csaba Walkó and Behnam Lotfi, beat Ferenc Molnár Caramel?s ?Vertigo?, ?Learning To Let Go? by Gábor Heincz "Biga" and ?Untried? by the Királys.
Compact Disco will compete for the top prize in the contest in Baku on May 22.
Lotfi, Compact Disco?s frontman, said the group was established four years ago with the aim of producing quality pop music. The band has released two albums so far: Steroid (2009) and II (2011).
The Hungarian in last year?s contest, Kati Wolf, took 22nd place with a number entitled ?What About My Dreams?.
The highest a Hungarian artist has ever place in the competition is fourth place, achieved by Friderika Bayer with "Kinek mondjam el vétkeimet?" in 1994.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI