Concert Offers "Greatest Hits" of Hungarian Song



The concert will start on the main Sziget Festival stage on Budapest's Hajógyári Island at 3pm on August 11, the Hungarian Day of Song.

The event will kick off with a performance by the Budapest Bár, including Juci Németh, Bori Rutkai, Tibor Kiss, András Keleti and András Lovasi.  A rappers' block will follow, featuring Animal Cannibals, Sub Bass Monster, Ganxsta Zolee and the Kartel, and Ludditák, which will perform the definitive Hungarian rap song, Tamás Pajor's Brék, which was made famous by Neurotic.
Péter Gerendás will take the stage at 4pm, followed by the disco band Neoton. Afterward, Beatrice, Ős-Bikini and Bikini will play. The block will close with a performance of two songs by Tankcsapda performed on the guitar by Laci Lukács.
The underground bands URH, Kontroll Csoport and Sziámi will start the next block, followed by a medley of songs by Fecó Balázs. Two songs by KFT will follow, then János Bródy and László Tolcsvay will perform one hit apiece.
At 6pm, Cipő from the band Republic, will appear on stage, followed by two great Hungarian jazz composers and performers: Béla Szakcsi Lakatos and Gyula Babos. Next, András Lovasi will perform with the Csík Group, singing his own songs, as well as a Tankcsapda song and a Quimby song. The Pál Utcai Fiúk will take the stage, then Gábor Presser, Péter Novák and Péter Geszti, will sing I Write the Song for You. The block will conclude with a performance by Quimby.
Tamás Somló, Geszti and László Dés will start the next block, which will include songs by Rapülők and Jazz+Az. They will be followed by János Karácsony and Klári Katona, then László Hobo Földes and his band will take the stage.
Starting at 8pm, a Rock Allstar group including Károly Frenreisz, Tibor Tátrai, Ádám Török, György Ferenczi, Gyula Vikidál, Géza Pálvölgyi and Tamás Takáts will perform Hungarian "rock classics". They will be followed by the Omega Tribute Band, who will play 10,000 steps, Black Butterfly and Petroleum Lamp with guest singers Ildikó Keresztes, József Kalapács and Roy. After them, Levente Szörényi and János Bródy will enter the Sziget Main Stage and perform a medley from the rock opera Stephen the King.
From 9pm, Magdi Rúzsa will sing the song a If I were a Rose, to be followed by a collection of songs from Hungarian musicals performed by Péter Novák, Tibor Gazdag, Péter Puskás and Linda Fekete. Csikidam and rockandroll will be performed by a duet of Miklós Fenyő and Róbert  Szikora, and Edda will top off the hour.
The last hour will feature Ákos performing a Demjén composition and a song accompanied by Presser. He will be followed by Zorán and the Back II Black with the classic hit What Would I Do Without Music?