Cornerstone Laid for Pécs Info Centre


The 13,000-square-metre, four-storey complex, already nicknamed "the beehive", will be the new home to the city library, the county library, the central library of Pécs University, as well as the school's law and economics libraries. It will include two lecture halls with capacity to seat 200 and a conference room big enough to seat 150.
Government commissioner in charge of special projects at the Prime Minister's Office Tamás Suchman said city politicians and university staff had shown they could work together to make the project happen.
Pécs Mayor Zsolt Páva said that the information centre, together with the Zsolnay cultural quarter, would play a big role in Pécs's renewal.
Pécs University rector Róbert Gábriel said that the information centre would serve the needs not only of university students but of primary and secondary school pupils.
General contractor Gropius Zrt. plans to complete the info centre by the summer of 2010.
European Union funding will cover some of the HUF 4.6 billion cost of the project.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI