Council Presents Pécs 2010 Programme Concept


Arts Council member Giorgio Pressburger (left) presents the concept
for Pécs's 2010 European Capital of Culture programme to Minister of
Education and Culture István Hiller (centre) and Pécs mayor Péter
Tasnádi (right).

Hiller said the programme concept, drawn up by an Arts Council made up of professionals, including Pressburger, had been prepared by the April 30 deadline. Now that we don't have to talk about deadlines, we will talk about content, he added.

Tasnádi called the completion of the programme strategy a "milestone" along the way to realising Hungary's most significant culture-based regional development.
Asked about financing for the programme, Tasnádi said the necessary amount has been made available, though he conceded that the Arts Council did have to be selective when deciding on the productions for the programme.
"Financial problems will not arise," Hiller added.
Pressburger said Pécs's programme for the European Capital of Culture 2010 title would establish it fully in Europe's cultural network, in which it has long been a part.
Erika Koncz, deputy-director of Budapest's Museum of Applied Arts and a member of the Arts Council, said the programme concept aims to offer a broad representation of Hungary's multifaceted culture.

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Zsolt Horváth

Another council member, Zsolt Horváth, a trombone player and director of the Pannon Philharmonic, said the concept contains opening programmes, pillar programmes and tender programmes - so called because tenders, both open and closed, will be invited to fill them. The opening programmes will provide the city and the public with a  

cultural space and timeframe. The pillar programmes will contain series of events, and the tender programmes will serve the complete implementation of the concept, Horváth said.
The Arts Council started work on the programme concept on March 1 and had until April 30 to complete it. In addition to Pressburger, Horváth and Koncz, the council's member included Balassi Institute director Éva Lauter, Munkácsy Prize-winning sculptor Zoltán Pál and the director of the Pécs Third Theatre János Vincze.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Imre Földi (MTI)