Countess Maritza a Hit in Russia


Gábor Kerényi Miklós

Budapest Operetta Theatre head Gábor Miklós Kerényi directed the production in St. Petersburg. He also brought with him the theatre's costume designer and lighting technician.

The two theatres have cooperated on productions for many years, Kerényi, together St. Petersburg Musical Comedy Theatre director Yuri Schwarzkopf, said at a talk after the performance.
Kerényi will next direct a production of the Lajta operetta The Old Summer in St. Petersburg in the spring of 2009, said András Jakab, the Hungarian consular chief in Saint Petersburg. The Russian theatre also plans to stage Maya and The Bat, to be directed by Hungarians, he added. Hungarian singers have also joined in some of the productions - last year, Marika Oszvald performed in St. Petersburg.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)
Photo: Péter Kollányi (MTI)