Critics Present Theatre Awards


The award was one of many presented by Hungarian theatre critics to the best of the genre at a ceremony at the József Katona Theatre on Thursday. The annual awards were presented for the 27th time.

The award for best performance went to the Krétakör Theatre?s ?Peer Gynt?, directed by Sándor Zsótér, and the József Katona Theatre?s ?Troilus and Cressida?, directed by Silviu Purcarete. Purcarete also received the theatre critics? award for best director for the same production.

The awards for best stage design and costumes were presented to Helmut Stürmer for his work in ?Troilus and Cressida?.

The award for best musical-entertainment production went to ?The Producers?, directed by Tamás Szirtes at the Madách Theatre.

The best independent theatre production award was granted to Béla Pintér and Company for their production ?My Mother?s Nose?, directed by Béla Pintér.

The best children?s performance award went to ?The Fairy Who Could See in the Dark?, directed by László Bagossy at the Örkény Theatre.

The theatre critics presented Gabriella Hámori with the award for best female lead in the plays ?The Glass Shoes and Electra? at the Örkény Theatre.

The best male lead award went to József Gyabronka for his title role in ?Peer Gynt? at the Krétakör Theatre.

Hilda Péter was presented the award for best female supporting role for her performance in ?Waiting for Godot? at the Áron Tamási Theatre of Sfantu Gheorghe. The best male supporting role award went to Tamás Fodor for his part in ?Electra? at the Örkény Theatre and in ?Major Barbara? at the Stúdió K theatre.

The theatre critics chose Ildikó Tornyi as most promising new talent for her role in ?Wistaria? at the Pesti Theatre.

A special award was granted to those involved in the production of the Mozart marathon.

Zsolt László received the special award of the City Council for his title role in ?Oedipus? at the National Theatre. The performance was directed by Árpád Sopsits.

The theatre critics granted a posthumous lifetime achievement award to Lajos Bertók.