Cruise All Night Starts Budapest Cycle Tours


?The Cruise All Night Budapest biking tour by night aims those who have seen (or will see) the traditional monuments of the city and who wish and willing to experience something more, something different,? Cruise All Night says on their Facebook page.

?Whether you are from Budapest, or a tourist got to Budapest by chance, coming from far away, our guides who have seen and experienced a good deal can show the lights of Budapest by night from a point of view you have never seen them- stories and neighborhoods beyond guide books from all over the city.?

The tours, in Hungarian, English, German, French and Spanish, cross Budapest?s District V, VI, VII and VIII, offering an insider?s view of the capital.
All bicycles and equipment are supplied by the organisers in cooperation with Budapest Bike.
Tour participants can choose to continue to ride even after the tour ends.
The tours start from 13 Wesselényi Street in District VII.
For more information, visit