Cult of the Dead Exhibition Travels to Kaposvár


The exhibition, entitled Life After Death, features 97 objects, including amulets, ritual statues and masks, statues of Osiris and other gods, a decorated coffin, an animal mummy and a magical text inscribed on papyrus.
The exhibition will remain open for longer - from 10:00 until 20:00 - during the four-day City of Painters festival, which kicks of on May 24. For the rest of its run, until July 1, the exhibition will remain open until 18:00.
Guided tours of the exhibition may be organised upon request. The exhibition also offers arts and crafts workshops as well as contests for primary school children.
Life After Death was previously shown in Szolnok, in central Hungary.
Source: Múlt-kor / Hungarian News Agency (MTI)