Culture Party Nominates Petőfi for Prime Minister


 Sándor Petőfi

"Choose dreams and culture, books, film, theatre and music. If you have to choose, choose value," the Culture Party Association says in its "election campaign".

"Petőfi was the first rock star, the champion of ideas, the unquestionable hero of talent, of the spirit and of thinking," said Culture Party creative director Péter Novák. "We want to draw voters' attention to the importance of real change in the coming two weeks," he added.
Novák complained that none of Hungary's political parties lent enough importance to culture. "And changes must begin in our heads," he added.
The Culture Party Association has drawn up twelve points - much like Petőfi's - and is presenting them in places around Budapest on April 1. Among them are demands for broadband internet for everybody, cultural equality and a national banquet for culture.