Czech Stars at the Millenáris


Czech Stars, in the Millenáris Fogado, highlights the best of Czech beer, gastronomy, jazz, tourism and industry. But we find just two beers, albeit good beers, on tap, along with an offering - at a pocket-friendly price -- of the famous Czech herb liqueur Becherovka. Much of the food is, in fact, not from the Czech Republic, though we do manage to find two Czech cheeses.

The presentation of the country for prospective tourists more or less excludes Hungarians, as we can find lots of information in Czech, English, French, German and even Russian, but none in Hungarian.

An exhibition of contest-winning photographs called The Czech Republic from Hungarians' Aspect shows Hungarians' impressions of the country, and a show entitled The Little Mole and His Friends features the work of the animated film director and artist Zdenk Miler, whose work is well known to Hungarians.
The Czech Republic, which currently holds the rotating European Union presidency, is the guest of honour at this year's Budapest Spring Festival.
Author: Tamás Tarján / Photo: Budapest Spring Festival