Dance Troupe Captivates at LOW Festival


The dancers in Roni Haver's and Guy Weizman's work transform themselves instantly - the piece is inspired by chaos theory - with such ease that one thinks the troupe would be capable of anything. Though parts of the performance make little sense, they still lend to the whole, perhaps because of their lightness and irony.

The most noticeable thing about the production is its flexibility. It appears the creators of the piece are not interested in a perfect choreography, rather the dancers perform the same movements but with slight variations. Seen side by side, they give the piece an air of "work in progress", further enforced by the exit of some of the dancers to rest on a bench in the back, change clothes and return to the performance.
The music for the piece, by the contemporary composer Heiner Goebbels, is rich and varied, exciting and dramatic. The stage design, by Ascon de Nijs, is bizarre, but minimalist, consisting of nine or ten long turquoise drapes handing to the floor, dividing the space on the stage.
Author: Tóth Ágnes Veronika