Debrecen Gets Sister City in Greece


Debrecen Mayor Lajos Kósa said he expects the partnership to foster cooperation in the areas of tourism, culture and education.
Kósa told the meeting that the two cities had cooperated several times in the past, such as when Debrecen learnt from Patras's experience before hosting the European Athletic Championship.
City officials as well as representatives of the Debrecen Cultural Centre, Debrecen University and the county chamber of commerce have made visits to Patras. The Greek city has also sent similar delegations to Debrecen, Kósa said.    
As a result of cooperation as twin cities, the Csokonai Theatre, the Debrecen Philharmonic Orchestra, the Modem and the Debrecen Cultural Centre will get a chance to maintain links independently with similar institutions in Patras. Representatives of the two cities have also agreed that Greek art ensembles could perform at the Flower Carnival on August 20.

Patras is the third largest city in Greece. Its history goes back to the 3 rd millennium BC when it was already an important port and trade centre. Higher education plays an important role in the city's life: the local university was established in 1964 and is considered to be among the world's 200 best universities.
Tourism is one of the city's principal sectors. The International Festival of Patras goes back 160 years. Patras was a European Capital of Culture in 2006.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: