Defender of Eger Against Turks Reburied


The search for Dobó's remains, believed to have been buried 440 years ago in the church built by his family, lasted two years. It produced the remains of a 180-centimetre-tall male, who died of gout around the age of 70, fitting what is known about Dobó, said László Fodor, an archaeologist at the István Dobó Castle Museum of Eger.


Captain Dobó's remains were placed into a sarcophagus by pallbearers in period costumes.

The siege of Eger and Dobó's courage were celebrated in Géza Gárdnoyi's classic novel Eclipse of the Crescent Moon, which has been translated into English and many other languages.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: Ákos Tréba (MTI)