Design Week Starts With Awards Presentation


Zsuzsanna Magony's coat which converts from a bag

The winners of this year's awards, which were presented for the 28th time, were among the youngest ever - designers in their twenties submitted plans for objects which were not exactly fresh, but were well though out, manageable and marketable. From a car model to a board game to a blinking communi-cations system, the designers presented new and realistic ideas.

Miklós Bendzsel, who chairs the Hungarian Design Awards Council, said 222 submissions were made for the award. One-third of these were made by students, but they showed the same level of skill as the submissions by design professionals, he said.

Among the prize winners was a textile group patterned with children's drawings (Edina Drescher); a bag which transforms into a coat (Zsuzsanna Magony); a communicative glass façade designed by Homo Lumens, Szövetség '39 and NextLab for the recently completed Chain Bridge Design Hotel; the façade design for the same hotel (Krisztián Zsombor Kiss, Benedek Balás), a car design (Csaba Wittinger), a pet carrier (Zoltán Nyitrai, Tamás Bendzsel) and a super-light rowboat, which the designers (Andrea Pálos and Gábor Rakonczai) recently tested in the Canary Islands.

The winning submissions can be seen at the Museum of Applied Arts until October 28.
The awards ceremony was just one of many events to take place during Design Week. Also on the programme are exhibitions, city walks, presentations and workshops.
Author: Eszter Götz