Director János Szász Presented György Fehér Award


 János Szász

The award, presented at the Toldi Cinema on Thursday, recognises directors who seek to create value without compromise as well as promote humanity, just as its namesake did.

In addition to Szász, the directors Attila Janisch and Benedek Fliegauf were also nominated for this year's prize.
On the jury for this year's award were the actor István Lénárt, the television producer András Szolnoki, the cinematographer Sándor Kardos, and the directors Gyula Radó, Péter Gerő, Miklós Szinetár and Iván Bánki.
Szász is the director of many feature films, including Woyzeck and Opium: Diary of a Madwoman.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)
Photo: Eszter Gordon