Donations Invited to Extend Mozart Marathon Run


Following are excerpts from Karsai's open letter inviting the public to support the productions:
Dear colleagues, my theatre-loving friends,
It has happened and it happened last year too; but if now for the second time, then obviously for good. It is here, that which we have waited decades for. A Hungarian theatre performance which is an international sensation has come into being. This performance cannot be measured with a conventional yardstick. One cannot assess it saying "the stage is such" and "the representation is so"...rather it speaks for itself, it has VALUE as it is.
There is an expression of Aristotle's which, although it is used often and everywhere, has never been -at least in my opinion - properly demonstrated: catharsis. The author sees the goal of the theatre to involve the audience and inspire awe in them, resolve these feelings. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, I always thought how can one be awestruck, and at the same time not, how can one feel involved, and at the same time uninvolved? Now I know. Since Mozart Marathon I know. Pardon me, master, you were right. There is catharsis.
For my part, I am opening a bank account today under the name "Mozart Marathon, or We're Not Waiting for Godot" with HUF 10,000 with the aim of rescuing the production and starting more performances. Any individuals or businesses, large or small, who consider Hungarian theatre important may contribute. The money collected will go to the theatre which hosts Mozart Marathon in cooperation with it creator. I note that the Zsámbék Theatre Base has plans to do just that in the summer. If anyone has any better ideas what to do in the interest of this goal hic et nunc please respond! If it happens that nobody contributes, then I will leave the HUF 10,000 on the account as a memento indefinitely.
The bank account is at MKB Bank Budapest, District V, Váci u. 38, under the name "Mozart Marathon, or We're Not Waiting for Godot!", account number: 10300002 50315199 49010038
György Karsai
Budapest, April 2, 2007