Doors Open on Monument Day


The Esterházy castle in Fertőd

Kálmán Varga, who heads the Society for the Preservation of National Monuments, said the day is intended to draw attention to the plight of important historical monuments in Hungary.

Among the monuments to open their doors to the public - free of charge - on Friday are the Esterházy Castle in Fertőd, the Jakováli Hasszán Mosque and the Idrisz Tomb in Pécs, the Ozor Castle, the Esterházy Palace in Tata, the Festetics Palace in Dég, the L'Huillier-Coburg Palace in Edelény, the Fáy Palace in Fáj, the Bishop's Residence in Fertőrákos, the Károlyi Palace in Füzérradvany, the Nádasdy Palace in Nádasladányi, the former monastery in Majk, the Ráday Palace in Pécel, the former county seat in Vármegyhazá and the Lónyay Palace in Tuzseri.
The International Day for Monuments and Sites was created on 18th April, 1982, by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and later approved at the 22nd UNESCO General Conference in 1983. This special day offers an opportunity to raise public's awareness concerning the diversity of the world's heritage and the efforts that are required to protect and conserve it, as well as to draw attention to its vulnerability. Hungary has organised events for the day since 1984.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)  / photos: