Edina Csík Named City Architect of Year


The conference acknowledged Csík's work organising several successful tenders as well as her commitment to maintaining the highest professional standards and efforts to preserve the character of the city.
Csík has worked in Budaörs for eight years. She came to the city after working for the chief architect's office in Budapest District XVII.
Of the new projects built under her watch, Csik said she was proudest of the city hall, which was presented an Architectural Quality Award.
The project transformed an old communist-era structure into a sleek modern building outfitted with all of the latest technology.
All of the projects Csík has overseen, including an elementary school, a public sports centre, an ambulance station, a retirement home and an assisted living facility, have made use of natural building materials and environmentally-friendly technologies.
The conference presented Lifetime Achievement Awards to Imre Makovecz and Bernát Boruzs.