El Kazovszkij Finishes First Cow for CowParade


The CowParade is an international public art exhibition which has been featured in more than 30 major cities all over the world. For the exhibition, fiberglass sculptures of cows, provided by the organisers, are decorated by local artists and distributed around the city centre. After the exhibit finishes, usually after several months, the cows are auctioned off and the proceeds donated to charity. CowParade art will go on public display in Budapest this summer.

In addition to El Kazovszkij, many other well-known local artists have begun work on their cows at a studio provided by the event?s organisers. Among them are Tamás Hencze, András Koncz, and Sándor Szilágyi. The 102-year-old Tamás Lossonczy, one of the major representatives of 20th century Hungarian art, will start work on his cow soon.

The motto of CowParade Budapest is ?Art, Budapest, differently, for everyone", summing up the organisers? aim of making the display of contemporary visual art accessible to the broadest possible audience of local residents and travellers alike.

CowParade Budapest?s organisers received nearly 900 applications from artists who wanted to work with the cows, a new record for the event. They started selecting the participants in March. The work of the artists chosen to participate in the event will be assessed further by a professional jury, including Katalin Néray, director of the Ludwig Museum Budapest, Zsolt Petrányi, director of the Műcsarnok, and János Szoboszlai, who manages the acb Contemporary Art Gallery, as well as by members of the public. The ten best sculptures will be exhibited in a special show at the end of summer, and, in autumn, they will be auctioned off by gallery owner Tamás Kieselbach. Proceeds from the sale will go to the children?s charities Mosolyország and the Bátor Tábor.

Source: www.artnet.hu