Encompass Plans Surprise for 150th Lecture


The special lecture, to take place on Monday, will touch on the future, the spirit of Christmas and the dissemination of knowledge, the organisers said without spoiling the surprise.

Encompass, an acronym for ENCyclopedic knOwledge Made a Popular ASSet, was set up by Magyar Telekom, T-Online and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2002. Since then, the foundation has organised 149 lectures and 46 club events. The lectures, filmed before a live studio audience, are watched by some 500,000 television viewers. Encompass?s website gets 4,000 visitors a day.

Encompass lecturers have included György Bence, Iván T. Berend, Mihály Bihari, Tamás Freund, Éva Kósa, Norbert Kroó, Attila Meskó, József Pucsok, László Sólyom, and Szilveszter E. Vizi.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)