English book on Vietnamese imperial seals to be published in Hungary


Istvan Zelnik

The related agreement has been signed by Nguyen Dinh Chien, deputy director-general of the Historical Museum of Vietnam, and Istvan Zelnik, leader of the Hungary-Indochina Society (MIT), in Hanoi recently, Akos Csuri said.

The 85 seals dating back to the period 1709-1939 were confiscated in the one-time imperial capital of Hue in 1945. The treasures are now kept in the safe deposit of the Hanoi museum..
The volume was first published in Vietnamese early this year to mark the millennium of Thang Long (now Hanoi), the ancient capital of Vietnam.
Its extended English-language version will be published in Budapest.
Both publications are financed by MIT, which was founded two years ago to promote scientific and cultural cooperation between the two countries.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: Dániel Kováts