EP Committee Gives Pécs2010 Programme Good Marks


?We?re going home with some convincing experiences,? said Piotr Borys, the Polish member of the committee. ?Pécs?s preparations to represent the culture of Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe were extraordinary,? he added.

The committee discussed Hungary taking over the revolving European Union presidency at a meeting in Budapest on Wednesday and visited Pécs on Thursday and Friday.
Borys noted the role of the EU?s cohesion funds as evidenced in the construction of Pécs?s knowledge centre and concert and conference hall, two of the city?s major investment projects for its 2010 programme, and he urged Prime Minister Viktor Orban to support the current level of the funds when Hungary takes over the EU presidency.
?Pécs has put itself on the map of Europe, and that is a big step forward,? said Hannu Takkula, the committee?s Finnish member. ?I home that the city can show its treasures and heritage with such success after the cultural capital year too,? he added.
Takkula said Pécs was a centre of media attention in all EU member states during the programme, which has done much for its image. In this way, the money spent on the Pécs2010 programme will be recouped, he said.
European Parliament Vice President László Tökes said the European Capital of Culture programme plays an enormous role in helping some EU member states catch up with their more developed peers. The Pécs2010 programme and the investments it has produced are not the end, but the beginning of a new chapter from which the city can profit, he added.
Pécs is planning for the years after 2010, said mayor Zsolt Páva. The city?s role will be enhanced with the inauguration of the M6/M60 motorway and its cross-border cooperation with neighbouring regions, he added.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI