Esterházy Award Winners Show in Vienna


 Ákos Siegmund, János Borsos, Lilla Borsos-Lőrinc and Dániel Horváth

The exhibition, opened by Hungarian Minister of Education and Culture István Hiller and his Austrian counterpart Claudia Schmied, features the work of Dániel Horváth, Ákos Siegmund, Lilla Borsos-Lőrinc and János Borsos.

Siegmund's paintings are based on photographs and film stills, and Horváth explores developing personalities and behaviour in his work. Borsos and Lőrinc, a couple who work together, sign their work Borsos Lőrinc, a name that is "like a bottomless lake in which we go fishing together and make a catch of any size."

 István Hiller

The Esterházy Art Award, which comes with a cash purse of EUR 5,000, was established by the Esterházy Foundation in 2009. Up to three awards will be granted every other year to artists younger than 35.

 "The works of the award-winning young artists reflect in a mature and refined way the complex image they present about the world view of contemporary young artists and the social and cultural situation in which they live," said head of award jury Lóránd Hegyi.
The awards were presented by foundation director István Ottrubay, Chairman-CEO of insurer UNIQA Konstantin Klien and Hegyi at a ceremony at the Museum of Fine Arts on November 26.
More than a hundred artists submitted their work for the award. The winners' work was shown at the Museum of Fine Arts.

At the opening of the exhibition in Vienna, Hiller thanked his Austrian counterpart for supporting "everything Hungary has done for Austria and Central Europe." He also praised the institute's newly appointed director Márton Méhes, who he called an expert on Austria and "an excellent Central European."

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: Eszter Gordon