EU Funds Worth HUF 30bn Available for Community Culture


The programme will support the establishment of community centres in cities and towns around the country, Hiller said. Starting in 2009, existing community centres will be refurbished and new multi-functional cultural facilities will be built, he added.

The amount of funding available for amateur choirs will reach HUF 200 million after 2009, compared to tens of millions of forints today.  An additional HUF 200-250 million will be available to promote amateur acting troupes.
Under a programme called cult-tour, 25,000 disadvantage students will have the chance to visit important cultural sites around Hungary. Within two years, 40,000 disadvantaged students will be offered the same opportunity.
The New Knowledge - Culture for Everyone programme is the most important effort in the field of community culture and education since Hungary's post-communist transformation, Hiller said.  
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: Eszter Gordon