European Parliament Hosts Hungarian Exhibition


Ernő Rubik

The exhibition, entitled Well-known Hungarians: From the Trianon Past to the Schengen Future, was opened by Joseph Daul, head of the Christian-Democratic-Conservative group of the European People's Party.

Kinga Gál, an MEP from Hungary who organised the exhibition, said, "The new perspective, which was opened up by the Schengen Treaty? could be instrumental in resolving (the Trianon issue) and could be a significant national resource for us.?
Slovak MEP Edit Bauer, whose home town, Samorin, belonged to five different countries due to border changes during the past 100 years, also spoke at the opening of the exhibition.

"The future of Europe rests on efforts to preserve common values and to build a union based on mutual trust and respect," Bauer said.

The photographs and other documents on display are on loan from the Hungarian National Museum, the Hopp Ferenc Museum and the archives of the Hungarian News Agency (MTI).

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI