Exhibition Examines Liszt-Schumann Connection


The exhibition, organised with the support of the Péter Horváth Foundation, is timed to coincide with the 120th anniversary of Franz Liszt?s death and the 150th anniversary of Robert Schumann's death. It presents the two men?s relationship in a series of German and Hungarian documents, both originals and facsimiles. The exhibition runs until March 4, 2007.

?Of all my colleagues, it has been Chopin and Schumann whom I most seriously respect and find most likeable,? Liszt wrote in 1839. He showed his respect not only in his letters and personal statements, but also by teaching and playing Schumann?s compositions and arrangements. Liszt dedicated his Sonata in B Minor to Schumann; Schumann, in turn, dedicated his Fantasy in C Major to Liszt.

The Liszt Ferenc Memorial Museum is a reconstruction of the flat where Liszt spent the last years of his life between 1881 and 1886. It is located on the first floor of the old Academy of Music, on Vörösmarty u. 35, in Budapest?s District VI, near the Vörösmarty u. underground station along the yellow line.

For more information, please visit http://www.lisztmuseum.hu/

Source: Fidelio