Exhibition of Aerial Photographs Opens in Nyíregyháza


The hundreds of photographs of castles, palaces and monasteries were taken by János László, an amateur photographer who heads the Civertan Graphic Design Studio. With the exhibition László aims to show visitors, especially Hungarian ones, sites they may not even recognise to be in Hungary.

?My photos have been inspired by irritation,? László says. ?The irritation that I experience when friends?taking time to look at my aerial shots, show surprise at the fact that the photos have been taken from above Hungary. These friends have typically just come back tanned and happy from Cuba, the Dominican Republic or Turkey?. I hope they will agree that there is a lot to tell with this exhibition, by showing the sights from above, and I hope far more people will appreciate them than my friends.?

In addition to the photographs, the Civertan Graphic Design Studio has donated a 1.6 metre by 1.2 metre terrain map of Hungary produced by cartography company Stiefel and a special camera used to shoot aerial photographs.

The exhibition is open from March 30 to June 30, 2006.
The Jósa András Museum is located at Benczúr tér 21, in Nyíregyháza, northeast Hungary

Source: Artnet