Exhibition of Hungarian Sport Highlights Opens in Rome


Ferenc Puskás
?Thanks to their art, all visitors can bring back the memory and once again live through various sports events, including the most moving moments and their unique aspects,? Czene said in his opening speech. ?Both my country and Italy occupy a dignified position on the Olympic medal charts and both nations can be rightfully proud of their top athletes,? he added.
?The aim of the Hungarian government is not only to make Hungary a nation of sport. We want to close the gap with the European average and we want to encourage our people to follow the example of the best,? he said, making special mention of Hungary?s successes in water polo.
The Hungarian Academy in Rome invited submissions early this year from Hungarian artists and students on the occasion of the Year of Hungarian Sport. Works had to focus on one of fifteen Hungarian Olympic events. The jury selected more than 30 works by 25 artists for the exhibition.
The exhibition also includes a display of sports memorabilia, such as a shoe worn by the footballer Ferenc Puskás and a glove of the boxer László Papp.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)