Exhibition on Srebrenica massacre opens in Budapest


The exhibition entitled "Srebrenica-Exhumation" is a reconstruction of the site of the July 11-18 massacre of more than 7,000 Muslim men and boys, using primarily records collected during the legal investigations, exhumation of mass graves and the identification of human remains, OSA told MTI.

Military maps, site sketches and photos, spy-satellite-recorded areal images, experts' reports and testimonies by survivors are presented partly in traditional format, and partly by computer installations in a reconstructed model of a mass grave.
The exhibition has been organised in cooperation with one-time investigators and forensic anthropologists, as well as the International Commission on Missing Persons and the Missing Persons Institute in Sarajevo.
Among the several films screened about Srebrenica during the exhibition, one reveals the last days in the small East Bosnian town just days before the pull-out of UN troops, using secret video-recordings.
The exhibition will run until July 2.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)