Exhibition Opens Budapest Spring Festival


Museum director Imre Takács said the show seeks to define Hungarian Art Deco, bringing into focus its ?witty and ironic style?.
He said the exhibition also marked a rebirth as it coincides with the start of a large-scale renovation at the museum.
Budapest Spring Festival director Zsófia Vitézy compared the series of events to a small investment that could yield great profit. She added that the city has already allocated 150 million forints in support for next year?s festival, the same as the support for this year.
Budapest Mayor István Tarlós acknowledged the festival as a cultural enterprise that deserves support.
Among the musical highlights at this year?s Budapest Spring Festival are performances by the Russian violinist Maxim Vengerov and London?s Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
Some 50 events are on the programme.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI