Exhibitions Mark ?56


The Hungarian Professional Association of Visual and Applied Arts will open an exhibition entitled ?The Path ? 1956-2006? at Budapest?s Műcsarnok on October 12.

An exhibition of posters will open on November 2 at the Petőfi Literature Museum. The exhibition is called ?Free People 1948-1956-1968 ? Poster, Life, Art?.

The Dorottya Gallery will show the works of Gyula Pauer, and the Polish Institute will show a selection of posters. At the Trafó Gallery, visitors to ?The Revolution Is Not A Garden Partry?, which opens on October 26, can see works by contemporary foreign artists.

The Kondor Béla Community Centre will show photographs by Károly Chochol in an exhibition entitled ?56 Pictures of ?56?. The Hungarian University of Visual Arts will host an exhibition and happening by Tamás Oszvald called ?Temporary Monument ? ?56 Reactionary?.

Many exhibitions are planned outside of the capital as well. The Foundation for Transylvanian Art will show a selection of art which has the 1956 Revolution as its theme at the Vármegye Gallery. The Szentendre Gallery will show works by artists who experienced the revolution first hand. In Tiszaújváros, the Derkovits Gyula Arts Centre and City Library will host an exhibition of photographs by Örs Csete called ?Faces and Fates?, and in Pécs, the Rácz Aladár Community Centre will show an exhibition called ?Roma In The Revolution?. A show of works by the sculptor Mária Lugossy will be shown in Zalaegerszeg?s City Concert Hall and Gallery.

Source: Múlt-kor / Hungarian News Agency (MTI)