Exhibitions Pay Tribute to Moholy-Nagy


Participating in the exhibition in Paris are Attila Csáji, László Haris, Klára Kuchta, András Mengyán, Waldemár Mattis-Teutsch, Csaba Tubák, and Éva Bortnyik. All are Hungarians, but reside in Hungary, Romania, Austria, and Switzerland. They are presenting under the aegis of the ?International Kepes Institute?, a name they chose to honour György Kepes, who worked with Moholy-Nagy in the Chicago Bauhaus school. The exhibition, which uses light and holographic images as its main themes, is open until July 13.

The exhibition at the Collegium Hungaricum in Berlin shows a collection of some of Moholy-Nagy?s earliest works made while a soldier during World War I. About 300 of the drawings, made on the back of postcards, are known to survive in collections around the world. Half of these drawings have been acquired by the Első Magyar Látványtár Foundation since 1990. The exhibition, entitled ?Zeichnungen aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg?, is open until September 10.

Source: www.mult-kor.hu