Fade In Organises Screenplay Exchange



Fade In is looking for high-quality screenplays that reach the widest audience and show some novelty. The submission deadline is August 15, 2008. Fade In is asking for a nominal HUF 10,000 entry fee, but it also promises to return all scripts with a professional evaluation.

Screenplays may be submitted to pitchforum@fadein.eu and the entry fee may be paid to Fade In Script Kft. at OTP Bank account number 11701004-20214047.
Submissions should contain a screenplay of between 80 and 130 pages, proof the entry fee has been transferred, a statement the script is the author's own work and a way the author may be reached.
All applicants will receive a two-page evaluation of their screenplays that points out weak spots and makes suggestions for further improvement. The evaluations will be sent by September 30, 2008.
Twelve of the submissions will be picked for inclusion in the First Hungarian Film Script Exchange by a jury comprising the director and screenplay writer Ildikó Enyedi and the script writers Bálint Hegedüs, Gábor Krigler and Balázs Lovas. The jury will make their choice by September 15.
The twelve winners will attend a one-day workshop on screenplay writing in October. And in December, Fade In will hold the exchange, where the twelve can pitch their screenplays to a number of Hungarian directors and producers.
Source: est.hu