Fancy a Short One? Busho Kicks Off Friday


The festival, which will run until August 7, includes more than a hundred films in the competition. In addition to Hungarian films from well-known directors such as Enikő Eszenyi and Tamás Ascher, it will also feature work by some 70 foreign directors.

Shorts in the competition will be evaluated by an international jury comprising Hungarian director Csaba Bollók, Duna Television film department head Éva Kis-Bocz, French independent filmmaker Jean-Pierre Sougy, Polish director Przemek Mlynczyk and Hungarian-born German film professional Wolfgang Leis.
For the first time, busho organisers have also set up a workshop in conjunction with the web site VideoGizmo during the week preceding the festival. The short animated films made during the week will be evaluated by a special jury overseen by Csaba Varga, whose Varga Studio made the Mr. Bean animated series.
Parallel with the festival, Budapest's Európa Cinema will screen a series of films, including Konyec and Iszka's Journey, which took the top prizes at this year's 38th Hungarian Film Week, as well as Sztornó and Nyócker.
The festival will also feature special music, with acts coming from Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic, as well as Hungary.
The festival will be held at Budapest's Almássy tér Community Centre.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)