FAZ Marks Zoltán Kocsis's 60th


Gerhard Rohde wrote in the piece that one could guess already at the end of the 60s, when Kocsis finished his studies, that the pianist was on his way to a world-class career. He noted among the highpoints of Kocsis?s early career a joint concert in France with Sviatslav Richter in 1977.
Rohde said there was not an orchestra in the world that did not want to play with Kocsis, and the list of conductors with whom he shared the stage could fill a music encyclopedia.
Although Kocsis could fill in for an entire orchestra with just his piano, that was not enough for him: he established the Budapest Festival Orchestra together with Iván Fischer and took over the post of chief musical director of the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra from 1997, Rohde said. As director of the philharmonic, Kocsis has expanded the ensemble?s repertoire in the direction of modern pieces and even included his own compositions, he added.
Kocsis is among those artists who as perfect masters of their instruments can offer a look into the compositional structure of a piece and is deeper meaning, Rohde said. The existential dimension of art often falls out of the range of attention nowadays, but Kocsis has never taken his eyes off this dimension, which give his work special value, he added.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)