

2006 Definit Financial and Strategic Consulting Ltd. MANAGING DIRECTOR
- Cultural and media project planning and analysis
- Financial and legal analysis, restructuring
- Planning- and controlling system set- up
- Business planning and reengineering
- Affiliate control
- Elaboration of financial constructions

2005 Hungarian State Opera House MANAGING DIRECTOR
- Set up restructuring program to modernize the Opera House
- Reorganization of institutional workflow
- Management of the House as the deputy of the Director General
- Maintenance of contacts with the ministries
- Direct control of financial, legal, and production work of the House
- Preparing the PPP project of Erkel Theatre reconstruction

2002-2004 Ministry of National Heritage CONSULTANT
- Development of organization of Ministry
- Affiliate control
- Project analysis
- Budget planning,
- Codification

2000-2002 Theatre Szigligeti CFO
- Refashioning financing structure on the basis of bank criteria
- Changing-process management: preparing the transformation of the theatre into a public company form
- Setting up system for financial planning and controlling (the new system is focusing on productions)
- Elaborating contract forms for the theatre in connection with the deliveries

1997-1998 MTM-SBS Ltd. CFO
- Setting up financing with bank partners (EBRD, K&H, OTP)
- Business planning for the company just won the terrestrial broadcasting concession from ORTT (National Broadcasting Committee)
- Elaborating special calculation forms for programmer departments
- Elaborating financial reports on Scala basis

1995-1997 Hungarian Broadcasting Company Vice President
- Transforming the governmentally- owned institute into public shareholder company
- Asset management (intangibles ? rights, archives; real estate, special broadcasting equipment, etc.)
- Reconstruct financing (partners: Treasury, Post Bank, K&H)
- M&A: preparing Danubius Radio for privatization
- Elaborating Constitution of Hungarian Radio with inner partners

1990- Definit Consulting Ltd. CEO
- Preliminary control of projects for financial investors
(chemical- and wood manufacturing projects, news television~, business school controlling system~, production calculation system for theatres~, real estate~, M&A: Hungarian midsize infotech company~, printing house~, etc.)
- Getting tasks for university students in the fields of financial consultancy and project-management
1989-1995 Dunaholding Plc. Vice President, COO
- Setting up and managing the market positioning of brokerage firms (City Broker, Dunaholding Brókerház)
- Establishing and managing a private pension fund (Oak National Pension Fund)
- Controlling of the portfolio of the holding company
- Elaborating solutions in the field of privatization and financing in the quickly changing regulatory circumstances as consultant
- Special leader task: back office
1986-1989 National Price Office Dep. Head of Control Department
- Taking part in the governmental control of companies? pricing-activities
- Taking part in the governmental control of Tengiz gas project
- Codification work in the elaborating-team of the new competition law


2006- Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music Treasury Commissioner
2004- Hungarian Motion Picture Public Funds Member of the Control Commission
2003-2005 National Thetare Plc President of the Superv. Board
2003-2004 Uránia National Motion Picture Thetare Non-profit Company President of the Superv. Board
2000- Opticard-Forex Ltd. President of the Superv. Board
1998- Erdőhegyi Found. Member of the Board of Trustees
1997-2000 Int. Business School Ltd. Member of the Superv. Board
1996-97 Int. Business School Bp. Head of Fin. Department
1992-94, 1997-2001 Dunaholding Found. President of the Board of Trustees
1996- Montana Infotech. Plc. Member of the Board of Directors
1995-1998 Oak National Pension Fund Member of the Board of Directors
1994-1995 Anilin Chemical Trade Plc. Member of the Board of Directors
1994 Magyar Nemzet Publisher Plc. Member of the Superv. Board
1994- Bp.Univ. of Econ. Sciences Fin. Dep. Nominal lecturer
1993-1995 Dunaholding New York Plc. Member of the Board of Directors
Dunaholding Brussels Plc. Member of the Board of Directors
Gordiusholding Plc. President
1992-1993 Budapest Tourist Plc. Strategic Leader
1992-1995 Budapest Stock Exchange Member of Issuers? Committee
1992-1994 Hotel Europe Plc. President, CEO
1990- Codex Printing Plc. President of the Supervisory Board

Strategic planning, business planning, management program planning
Financing, cooperation with American and European partners
Project-management, corporate set up, privatization
Budgeting, project management under governmental institutional regulation
Corporate image creation
Financing, management for liquidity, project-planning, networking
Controlling, Setting up control and monitor systems
Establishing pension fund
Changing process management (mainly at the owner changing or structure changing)
Decisions for investments, budgeting, merger and acquisition
International balance and financial reports, taking part in auditing work
Human resources development, legal work for companies
Issuing securities (as part of financing), M&A activities

1990 M. Sc. of Business Administration
1980 Teacher?s Degree in mathematics and physics
1986-1990 Budapest University of Economic Sciences /Corporate finance
1976-1980 Loránd Eötvös University of Sciences/Teacher-Math-Physics