Festival Aims to Raise Profile of Folk, World Music


The concert series, dubbed From Rivulet to Ocean, aims to raise the profile among foreigners of Hungary?s folk and world music ensembles as well as offer a chance to such acts to expand their global networks, said CLmusic managing director Csaba Lőkös.
The series is the brainchild of Lőkös and the journalist László Marton Távolodó, both of whom have organised the programme on the world music stage at the Sziget Festival for years.
For From Rivulet to Ocean, the two have chosen a lineup that will drum up enthusiasm among Hungarian audiences but that will also serve as a promotion for foreign fans of the genre.
Among the guests who have been invited to From Rivulet to Ocean are the artistic director of the World Music Expo (WOMEX), the artistic director of the Rudolstadt Festival, the director of Fordefestivalen and the organisers of Globalfest, Live Sounds, Earthbeat and RASA.
The programme will start with performances by the duo of Evelin Tóth and David Yengibarjan at the A38. Napra, Fókatelep and DJ Suefo will follow.
On May 25, the Mihály Dresch Quartet will play at the Fonó Buda Music House, followed by Fanfara Complexa, Berka and Téka.
MUPA will host a series of public conferences on May 26. The talks, in English, will feature a discussion between foreign guests and Hungarians on how to raise the global profile of Hungarian music.
Performances by FolkSide, Makám, Tárkány Művek and the Csík Zenekar are on the MUPA programme.
From Rivulet to Ocean will close with performances by György Ferenczi and Rackajam and the Buda Folk Band at the Szentendre Open-Air Museum. A gala concert at the Hungarian Heritage House in the evening will feature the Tükrös Ensemble, the Szeret Group, Csűrös Banda, Fonó Zenekar and the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)