Festivals Big Part of Pécs2010 Programme


 Andrea Rost

The Pécs Spring Festival, which features jazz and popular music productions, dance, literature, folk evenings, exhibitions and chamber and choral concerts, will take place between March 15 and April 12. The King's Singers from the UK, Contempodanza Mexico, the American Jazz Steps and Leroy Jones, Take 6 and the Hungarian singer Andrea Rost will all come to Pécs for the festival.

The city will host a Francophone week between March 16 and 27. There will be chansons evenings, street theatre, an international conference and a cultural competition.
The Fringe Festival, between April 9 and 11, will give the stage to up-and-coming acts and hobbyists.
At the Greek Festival, between March 27 and April 3, the singer and bouzouki artist Sarantis Mantzourakis, Zoltán Kollonay and his band Pyrgros Orchestra and Dance Group, and the violinist Nikos Ormandlidis will take the stage.
eUropemania, slated for May 6-9, will showcase artists from other countries in the European Union. It will launch with a series of events called Journey Around the Turkish Crescent Moon.

 Csík Zenekar

The 21st Pécs Folk Days will take place on May 20-22. It will feature performances by Csík Zenekar with Tibor Kiss and Szászcsávási Zenekar, from Hungary, and the Andalúz Project from Spain.
Roma artists, poets and musicians will be in the spotlight at a Roma Festival hosted in Pécs, as well as in nearby Nagykanizsa and Kaposvár, on June 3-5.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI