Fifth Hungarian Painting Festival Slated For October 13?21


Around 200 artists will show more than two thousand works as part of the festival.

The Körmendi Gallery will put on a show of works by the painter Tibor Bráda on October 13 to kick of the Day of Hungarian Painting Festival. On October 15, the WAX Exhibition House will open an exhibition entitled ?Living Hungarian Painting?. The Hamilton Aulich Art Gallery will host an exhibition of long familiar Hungarian painters entitled ?Doyens V? from 18 October. Budapest?s Palace of Arts will host a discussion with the subjects of portraits in one of its exhibitions, and the Fasor Reformed Church will show an exhibition of sacral art. In Soroksár, in the south of the capital, artist couples will show their work at Galéria ?13.

Other events will be held in Sopron, Szeged and Keszthely, where Pél Gerzson will show a retrospective of his works at the Balaton Museum. In Vienna, members of the DunapArt group of artists will show works at an exhibition organised by the painter and gallery owner Monica Kribucz.

During the festival, a life achievement award from the Ministry of Education and Culture will be presented to the painter Pál Gerzson. Previous recipients of the award have included Tamás Losonczi, Ignác Kokas and András Sváby.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)