Film About Composer's Last Days Caps Liszt Year


Last Rhapsody is loosely based on the biography of Lina Schmalhausen, one of Liszt?s students. It was directed by Bence Gyöngyössy and stars Tamás Jordán and Ilona Sárközi-Nagy, Andrea Söptei, Piroska Molnár and Péter Kálloy-Molnár.
Gyöngyössy said the film aimed to bring Liszt the man, not just his story, closer to the viewer.
?We felt right from the start that since many biographies have been made about Liszt, we should this time focus on bringing his personality closer to the viewer instead of simply telling his story. He was a romantic figure, one of the most important personalities of the era. He actually embodied Romanticism, because great emotions guided not only his art but also his everyday life.?
Last Rhapsody was a Hungarian-French co-production made with the support of the Ministry of National Resources and the MTVA.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)