Finland Celebrates Kodály Week


Nine concerts and a lecture are on the programme of the 23rd Kodály Week, said director of the Hungarian Cultural and Scientific Centre Ildikó Márkus.
One of the highlights of the week will be a performance by the Pori Simphonietta conducted by Imre Kollár and featuring Gábor Varga on clarinet. The musicians will perform works by Haydn and Brahms in addition to ones by Kodály.
The week will close with a performance by the Helsinki Youth String Orchestra at the Finlandia Palace on March 17.
The Helsinki Youth String Orchestra was established 40 years ago by the Hungarian brothers Csaba and Géza Szilvay. The brothers were also instrumental in launching Kodály Week with the support of Tauno Lempinen, who earlier headed the Kodály Society in Finland.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)