Fischer Starts Stint as NSO Guest Conductor


Fischer is only the fourth conductor to be named principal guest conductor in the orchestra?s history.

In a piece about Fischer?s return to the NSO, the Washington Post wrote that when Fischer earlier took up the baton for the NSO, the ?result was simply electrifying?.

"Fischer is a musician's musician," the Washington Post quoted David Hardy, the NSO's principal cello and a longtime member of the orchestra, as saying. "I have a running list in my mind of the top 10 concerts in which I have been involved, including those with Leonard Bernstein and Klaus Tennstedt. The list changes, but Fischer's [first] appearance is still up there."

The Washington Post noted that the NSO's current musical director, Leonard Slatkin, is to leave at the end of the 2007-08 season, so, unless a successor arrives immediately, Fischer de facto becomes the most substantial artistic presence with the orchestra.

The NSO will not say whether Fischer is under consideration for the post, citing the secrecy of the selection process, the Washington Post writes. "The guest conductor appointment came out of a mutual desire to see more of each other," says NSO Executive Director Rita Shapiro. Shapiro acknowledges, however, that Fischer provides "stability" as the search for a new director continues.

Fisher avoided the question of whether he was under consideration for the full-time NSO directorship when asked by the Washington Post. "I am mainly interested in musicmaking," he told the paper. "Practically, there have been no discussions whatsoever.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / The Washington Post