Five Hungarian Films on FIPA Programme



In earlier years, the festival has included only a single Hungarian film on its programme each year. This year, however, the programme will feature films by Hungarian directors Csaba Bereczki, Diána Groó and Árpád Sopsits, in the competition, as well as a documentary by Judit Kóthy and Judit Topits and an animated film by Boglárka Edvy and Sándor Silló outside of the competition.

Diána Groó's "The End of the Flower Carnival", the latest film in her Colourful Imagination series, will vie in the shorts competition. After drawing on "dreams" by Chagall, Renoir, Brueghel, and Henri Rousseau, Groó has found inspiration in 15 canvases painted by Lajos Gulácsy portraying the world in Fin-de-si?cle style.
"Turn", directed by Árpád Sopsits, will also compete in the shorts competition. Sopsits's work was shown at last year's Budapest Film Festival.
Csaba Bereczki's Hungarian-French production "Life Song" will compete in the Performing Arts section. "Life Song" documents performances by musicians who have gathered in a village in Transylvania for the funeral of a great Hungarian-born violinist.
The programme will show Judit Kóthy's and Judit Topits's "Hot Autumn in the Cold War: Hungary in 1956", a documentary about the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, outside of competition. The film sets the events of the revolution in a global political context.
An animated documentary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, Boglárka Edvy's and Sándor Silló's "Film Journal: I Was 12 in 1956", will show as part of Fipatel, FIPA's digital programme.