Five Hungarians Selected for Henkel Award


Last year's winner, Rajmund Domán

Henkel, which makes such well-known household brands as Persil, is organising the competition for the seventh year in a row. This year, Henkel invited submissions of graphic art.

The five finalists are Gyöngyi Gallusz, Pál Gellérfi, Laura Somogyi, Márton Takáts and Gábor Véssey. The artists were picked from more than a hundred applicants by a jury comprising Tibor Kiss Somorjai, head of the Graphic Art Department at the Hungarian Fine Arts Academy; Júlia Fabényi, a member of the Baranya County Museums board; Antal Vásárhelyi, chairman of the Association of Hungarian Lithographers; Gábor Erdős of Hungarian Television; and Emília Kultsár, communications manager at Henkel Hungary.
Rajmund Domán's coffee maker, named KotyoGO

The works of the five Hungarian finalists will be submitted to an international jury in Vienna.

Rajmund Domán, a Hungarian finalist in last year's contest, which focused on industrial design, took the top prize for a pocket-size espresso maker called KotyoGO.
Photo: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)